Playboy: The War On Tara

  1. Tara Reid has too many slices of pizza.
  2. Photographer politely ignores hideously unattractive stomach.
  3. Stylist not going to go there.
  4. Half dozen other people on set also fail to notice, don't care, or don't want to incur wrath of Ms Reid.
  5. Ms Reid gets check, disappears.
  6. Art Director looks at contact sheet, selects image with hideous stomach, possibly because all the other images are even worse.
  7. Everyone now hates this story.
  8. AD assigns retouching to intern who has no concept of opacity setting in brush tool.
  9. Assignation of blame begins.
Original courtesy of Perez Hilton[NSFW]! Thanks to SAK and everyone else who sent this in!